Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Banananana Bread*

A friend posted on her Facebook the other day how hard it was to buy the right amount of fruit for her family. She found that she always seemed to be running out or having way too much (I believe she said something about "enough bananas for a monkey's tea party"). I often find the same thing, with the kids craving bananas, then suddenly not wanting them at all. So banana bread is the answer! I often throw those unwanted bananas into the freezer (don't need to peel or wrap them), then make a double batch at a later date. (My friend tried that, I guess she just threw out 9 bags of bananas).

1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 mashed bananas
3 tbsp sour milked
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups flour (I use half white, half whole wheat)

Cream butter and sugar. Beat in eggs and bananas. Stir baking soda into milk, then add to butter mixture. Stir in flour in a few batches. Pour into 9x3 inch loaf pan and bake at 350F for 50-55 minutes. You can also add 1 cup chocolate chips (some people like it in my family, some don't)

* title courtesy of Emily. (and don't forget Hailey, who "can't say banana")

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